

It is a crime for anyone in the country to operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. The state of California is aggressive in penalizing those who drive under the influence. 如果一个人被判酒后驾车, 他们可能面临包括罚款在内的严重处罚, 罚款, 可能的监禁, 吊销执照, 和更多的. 欧博平台注册, we have the experience necessary to assess your situation and provide a defense to protect your future. If you were charged with a 酒后驾车, you must retain the services of a legal team you can trust. 联系 a competent Redding 酒后驾车 lawyer from 欧博平台注册 today to discuss your options.

雷丁的酒驾律师为客户辩护 & 在加州

We understand that there are few things more frightening than being apprehended by law enforcement and charged with a crime. 不幸的是, many people are found guilty of 酒后驾车 charges simply because they either made a mistake or were unfairly accused. 无论哪种方式, 在被证明有罪之前,每个人都是无辜的, and everyone is entitled to legal representation. Our skilled Redding criminal lawyer is here to provide that legal representation.


A person can be charged with a 酒后驾车 if law enforcement determines their blood alcohol content (BAC) is over the legal limit. 在加州,这个限制是 .08%或更高. This can be determined through a breathalyzer test or a blood test. If you have been caught with a BAC over the legal limit for the first time, 你可能会面临以下后果:

  • A minimum of 48 hours but up to six months in county jail
  • 最多三年的缓刑
  • A driver’s license suspension for a minimum of six months
  • 大约1600美元的罚款
  • Mandatory enrollment and completion of 酒后驾车 school
  • You may receive a 酒后驾车 on any subsequent occasion that you’re caught with any amount of alcohol in your system, 不管你是否低于法定上限


You should understand that if a driver in the state of California is found driving under the influence for a second or subsequent offense, they can face harsher consequences than their first offense. If a driver is charged with a 酒后驾车 within ten years of their first charge, 它可能导致以下后果:

  • 10天到一年的监禁
  • Installation and use of the ignition interlock device
  • 吊销你的驾驶执照
  • 最高2500美元的费用和罚款
  • Mandatory enrollment and completion of 酒后驾车 school


Drivers who are found guilty of a third or subsequent 酒后驾车 can face overwhelming consequences that have the potential to impact the rest of their life. This can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • A minimum of 120 days of incarceration and a maximum of one year in county jail
  • Installation and use of the ignition interlock device
  • A maximum three-year suspension of your driver’s license
  • 最高罚款1800美元
  • Mandatory enrollment and competition of 酒后驾车 school for at least 30 months
  • 缓刑


Just some of the additional 酒后驾车 charges we commonly see here in the state of California are as follows:

  • 未成年人酒后驾车如果你未满21岁, you may face a “zero-tolerance” offense for having a blood alcohol content of even just .01%. 如果你的血液酒精含量 .5%,你可能会被判未成年酒驾. Additionally, if you’re caught driving with a blood alcohol content of .百分之零点八,你会收到一个“标准”的酒驾费用.
  • 药物酒后驾车: A person can be charged with driving under the influence of drugs (酒后驾车D) if they are no longer sober due to any illegal or over-the-counter drug, as well as the combination of such with alcohol. Penalties for this charge can include probation, 牢狱之灾, 吊销驾照, 在酒后驾驶学校注册, 和更多的.
  • 高酒精浓度: When someone is found guilty of driving with a blood alcohol content of higher than .15%,他们将受到更严厉的处罚. These penalties can entail additional 牢狱之灾, 吊销驾照, high 罚款, 和更多的.
  • 商业酒后驾车: If you’re a commercial driver and were found with a blood alcohol content of .04%, you can receive a 酒后驾车, as commercial drivers are held to a higher standard than other drivers. For a first offense, you will face up to one year in jail and a one-year driver’s license suspension. For a second offense, you’ll lose your commercial driver’s license permanently.
  • 拒绝呼吸测试: Many people assume that it’s safer to simply refuse to take a breathalyzer test than risk having a blood alcohol content above the legal limit. That said, breath test refusals come with a wide range of penalties of their own. 例如, 初犯拒绝指控, you’ll likely face a $125 fine and a one-year driver’s license suspension. If you are found guilty of a second refusal charge, 你的驾照将被吊销两年, 对于第三个, 你的驾照将被吊销三年.

联系 a 酒后驾车 Lawyer in Redding, California Today

The bottom line is that if you have been charged with a 酒后驾车 in the state of California, 你的未来岌岌可危. It is because of this that you must retain the services of a skilled legal team that can fight for you. 欧博平台注册, we how to defend your case. 联系 our firm today to schedule a consultation with our experienced and dedicated team.
